AP Studio Timeline:
As we use this last month to prepare our final portfolios,
we should also make sure to revisit past works and improve what we can within
those earlier pieces. Do not fall victim to the one piece, next piece mentality
at this critical time. Consistently look over your entire portfolio,
particularly your Concentration series, and work with the visual ideas you’ve
been exploring over the past several months. Continue to innovate, edit and
create with both passion and objectivity.
April 4th: Artist Statements dueApril 6th: All Breadth Artworks uploaded to College Board portfolio site
April 6th: Concentration Critique: Artwork #10
April 16th: Minimum of 9 Concentration Artworks uploaded to College Board portfolio site
April 16th: Concentration Critique: Artwork #11
April 26th: Concentration Critique: Artwork #12