Thursday, February 25, 2010

AP Review During CAPT

On Monday March 8, we will be holding an AP Review in room 374. Students should bring their 5 Quality choices for in-class viewing, and have digital images prepared for their Breadth and Concentrations sections which we will be reviewing during this time period. These digital images should be in .jpeg format under the guidelines set by the Collge Board. Images may be uploaded to the AP Studio drop folder on the student drive, or placed on a USB drive. The images should be separated into two folders: one for Breadth and the other for Concentration. At this point all students should have 7 Concentration pieces finished.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sketchbook Assignment #2

Sketchbook Assignment #2
Tell the story of an object's life.

In this sketchbook assignment, you will be using your sketchbook to make a series of studies of one specific object. You will choose the object, and in addition the setting, tone, mood, and point-of-view will all be determined by you as the artist.
The goal of this assignment is to have you create a narrative of the many facets of the object’s life based on your own imaginative and creative powers.

A total of 12 different scenarios must be completed by March 19.

For example: a mug in brown wrapping tied with string; Steaming on a cosy table with a beloved's teacup alongside; sitting alone on a draining board; sitting on a desk full of pencils, with a torn photograph; broken in pieces in the wastebasket. You might tell the story of a beloved teddy, a bunch of flowers, a bottle of wine, or a dollar bill. Need a challenge? Look for the most mundane object you can think of! Contemporary objects - such as a mobile phone - can be difficult, because we have no artistic tradition to refer to when representing them.

First Sketchbook Check: Friday, March 5 (3 scenarios)
Second Check: Friday, March 12 (7 scenarios)
Third Check: Friday, March 19 (12 scenarios)