Sunday, November 11, 2012

AP Studio Homework

Sketchbook Assignment #3
Tell the story of an object's life.

In this sketchbook assignment, you will be using your sketchbook to make a series of studies of one specific object. You will choose the object, and in addition the setting, tone, mood, and point-of-view will all be determined by you as the artist.
The goal of this assignment is to have you create a narrative of the many facets of the object’s life based on your own imaginative and creative powers.

A total of 12 different scenarios must be completed by Monday, November 26.

For example: a mug in brown wrapping tied with string; Steaming on a cosy table with a beloved's teacup alongside; sitting alone on a draining board; sitting on a desk full of pencils, with a torn photograph; broken in pieces in the wastebasket. You might tell the story of a beloved teddy, a bunch of flowers, a bottle of wine, or a dollar bill. Need a challenge? Look for the most mundane object you can think of! Contemporary objects - such as a mobile phone - can be difficult, because we have no artistic tradition to refer to when representing them.

First Sketchbook Check: Monday, November 19(4 scenarios minimum)

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