Thursday, January 31, 2013

Third Marking Period Dates

This marking period is our crucial time slot for bringing our portfolios close to finished and preparing them for the College Board uploads. I've listed some dates below that will be important for each of us to keep in mind as we move forward in building those portfolios and for each of you as you work on your Concentration pieces.

We will need to begin the preparation and uploading process within the next two weeks. Currently, all artwork that has been photographed will belocated in folders labeled with your names and placed on the Student drive within the AP Studio folder.

On February 12, we will be meeting in the 501 Computer Lab to register with the College Board and begin preparing our images for uplaod.

Our Class critique schedule (pending no more school closings) is as follows:
  • Friday, Feb. 8: Concentration #6
  • Monday, Feb. 25th: Concentration #7
  • Friday, March 8th: Concentration #8
  • Monday, March 25th: Concentration #9
  • Friday, April 5th: Concentration #10
  • Friday, April 12th: Concentration #11
  • Friday, April 26th: Concentration #12

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